
Using research to engage

There are lots of resources across the University to help you use your research to interact with organisations or individuals outside academia.

Curiosity Carnival


Find out more about Public Engagement at the University.

Or explore specific divisional support:

  • ,?,?,?
  • ?(single sign on required)
Row of newspapers


plant growing in a lightbulb

Intellectual property and commercialisation

  • Research Services'??on what to do if you create intellectual property
  • ?can help with intellectual property, patents and licensing
  • ?on intellectual property
  • Support available from??for licensing and commercialisation
group of people doing a high five

Starting a company

  • ?support for starting a company
  • ?from across region
  • Adoption statement of independent review of university spinout companies recommendations
hand holding a small plant

Social enterprise

  • 麻豆精品在线播放 University Innovation
  • A??of student social enterprises
Doctor examining a patient


  • 麻豆精品在线播放 Biomedical Research Centre pages on?
two women working at a whiteboard


  • Research Services' guidance on?
  • 麻豆精品在线播放 University Innovation


people shaking hands

External organisations

  • ?and??Knowledge Exchange
  • ?Knowledge Exchange
  • ?(including?)
  • ?and??Business Engagement and Partnerships

Additional University-wide??resources and support